It can be a harrowing experience to suffer a workplace injury. However, there is legal recourse for Florida employees that protect their rights and help them get the compensation they deserve. The workers’ compensation system is complex- and it’s important to seek the expertise of a skilled Florida workers’ compensation lawyer. Read on to learn more about the legal options available to you if you’ve been injured on the job in Florida, and how the workers’ compensation attorneys at Asnis Srebnick & Kaufman can help.
The Basics Of Workers’ Compensation Law In Florida
The majority of employers are required under Florida law to carry workers’ compensation insurance, which is a system engineered to offer medical and financial benefits to assist with injuries or illnesses that an employee suffers from that is caused by their employment. This type of insurance offers an essential safety net for employers and employees alike by streamlining the route through which workers receive compensation. Under Florida law, most employers who have four or more employees are required to carry worker’s compensation insurance, and those in the construction industry with just one employee are also required to have it. The system is designed to encourage a safer, more secure working environment and assist employees with getting back on their feet swiftly if they are injured on the job.
Workers’ compensation insurance covers wage replacement, medical expenses, and rehabilitation services. Severe penalties are imposed on employers who do not provide the appropriate amount of workers’ compensation coverage in order to ensure the adherence to the state’s requirements.
How A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Help
The process of claiming workers’ compensation benefits is complex and difficult enough on its own, and it’s even harder to try and navigate it yourself while recuperating from a workplace injury. This is why an experienced Florida workers’ compensation attorney can be critical in ensuring you get the compensation you deserve. A capable attorney with experience in this field of law can help protect your rights, assist with navigating the system, and fight for your best interests. Some crucial areas where Asnis Srebnick & Kaufman can help are delineated below:
- We help you deal with all the complex paperwork: There is an extensive amount of documentation and paperwork involved when filing a workers’ compensation claim. An attorney can help you finish these forms efficiently and accurately on time to meet all the necessary deadlines. If you make a mistake filling this paperwork out, there may be unnecessary delays or claim denials, which we can help you avoid.
- We provide expert legal advice: Unless you work in the field, you most likely don’t have the level of understanding of the intricacies of workers’ compensation laws that an attorney does. We will offer legal advice specific to your situation so you can decide on your next steps.
- We negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf: Insurance companies are always looking out for their bottom line, so you need someone looking out for you. We are dedicated to advocating for your rights and ensuring an optimal payout.
Contact Us Today
If you were injured in the workplace, it’s important to have an experienced workers’ comp attorney advocating for your rights and helping you navigate the system. Call Asnis Srebnick & Kaufman to consult with a top Florida workers’ compensation attorney today.